Monday, May 24, 2010

"Space is Brilliant"

Ballboy - A Day in Space

Heard this tune on KEXP a few days back, it had been a while since I heard it.
It brings up a good question: "what would you do with a million pounds?" - think the songwriter has a pretty good take on it.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Left of the Dial

Heard the tune "Left of the Dial" by The Replacements on my iPod at the gym today.

The last verse struck me as quite profound:

Pretty girl keep growin' up, playin' make-up, wearin' guitar
Growin' old in a bar, ya grow old in a bar
Headed out to San Francisco, definitely not L.A.
Didn't mention your name, didn't mention your name

The attitude of the lifestyle I was leading in the early 90's is almost perfectly summed up in this verse. Hearing the tune made me feel old, remember a time long ago with fondness, even though I, in my youthful ignorance, probably made it more difficult that it needed to be. I guess I too was in my own way "playin' make-up" and "wearing guitar"